Hunters Chicken

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Hunters Chicken made with The Wicked Chilli Thirsty Dog Chilli BBQ sauce

This seemed a really obvious meal to make with our most recent discovery, Thirsty Dog Chilli BBQ Sauce. It was particularly tricky to photograph well but very easy to make and tasted seriously good. We paired it with smashed roasties and stuffed greens but the chicken was good enough to eat on its own😊

Credit to Nicky Corbishley for the original recipe (found online) which we based this one on. 



2 chicken breasts

4 rashers of smoked back bacon

120ml Your favourite chilli sauce

120ml Tomato Ketchup (change this sauce ratio if you want more heat)

50g mature cheddar grated

50g mozzarella cheese grated 


Preheat the oven to 200C, 180C Fan, Gas Mark 6

Wrap each chicken breast in 2 rashers of bacon and put them in a shallow baking dish.

Cook for 25 minutes (make sure the chicken is cooked through and the juices no longer run pink).

Remove the chicken from the oven. Mix the two sauces together and spoon over the chicken, before sprinkling the two cheeses on top. 

Put the chicken back in the oven for a final 5 minutes, until the cheese has all melted. 

Download the recipe 


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