Easy recipes made with our artisan produce — Pasta recipes

Minced Pork Shoulder Ragu

Easy Meal Ideas Herbs & Spices Homecooking Pasta recipes Recipes

Minced Pork Shoulder Ragu

A really easy recipe for a delicious pasta sauce. As always we recommend using quality meat - we got ours from local supplier Tudges. The meat needs to marinate for 24 hours before cooking but once done, the recipe is super quick and easy and ideal for midweek dinners.

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Roasted Asparagus & Black Garlic Pesto

Black Garlic Recipes Easy Meal Ideas Homecooking Pasta recipes

Roasted Asparagus & Black Garlic Pesto

This great pesto recipe is easy to make and packs some great flavours. Asparagus on its own is very yummy. Mix it with black garlic & a few other punchy ingredients and it's absolutely delicious. Perfect served with pasta.

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Herby Pork Balls in a Spiced Tomato Sauce

Easy Meal Ideas Pasta recipes

Herby Pork Balls in a Spiced Tomato Sauce

This hearty recipe is great for the whole family and can be part prepared in advance if needed. The rich tomato sauce is packed with flavour, including chilli sauce and pesto and the delicious pork balls are packed with herbs, spices and parmesan cheese. What's not to like?!

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Chorizo & mushroom macaroni in a black garlic butter sauce

Black Garlic Recipes Easy Meal Ideas Pasta recipes

Chorizo & mushroom macaroni in a black garlic butter sauce

Who doesn't like a good pasta dish? Especially one with black garlic! This indulgent one pan dish is packed with lots of different flavours. Great comfort food and perfect for sharing.

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Crispy Chilli Breadcrumb Pasta

Black Garlic Recipes Easy Meal Ideas Pasta recipes

Crispy Chilli Breadcrumb Pasta

This amazingly easy pasta recipe has a little bit of heat and a lot of flavour. The mix of Habanero Chilli, chorizo, black garlic and artichokes is a really addictive combo that will leave you wanting to make this dish again & again.

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