News and ideas from The Cooking Plumber — New products

9 herbs and spices you might need this Christmas

Herbs & Spices New products Recipes

9 herbs and spices you might need this Christmas

If you’re trying to make good use of the extra lockdown home-time and doing your Christmas planning, here’s a quick round up of some deliciously warm spices and herbs that you might want to stock up on for the festive season.

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Have you ever tried black garlic?

New products Recipes

Have you ever tried black garlic?

Some people have never heard of black garlic. Others have heard of it but don't know what to do with it. The Cooking Plumber is a total convert to these soft, sweet molasses-like cloves and jumps at an any excuse to cook with them.

If you're still not convinced, read on. You might be eating the cloves out of the pot too before you know it! 

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