Balsamic Caramelised Onions

 A recipe for Balsamic Caramelised Onions.


These are my favourite fried onions by far. Great on burgers or with hot dogs. Always use a good quality balsamic vinegar & you can't go wrong. Be prepared to pay around £8 to £15 for a 250ml bottle and make sure it has Aceto Balsamico on the label. 


1 Tbsp olive oil   /   1 tsp soft brown sugar

250g white onions sliced and broken up   /    1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

Heat the olive oil over a medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the sugar & mix well with the oil. Stir in the onions with the oil. Add the balsamic vinegar & mix well. Keep stirring every 5 minutes until you get the shade of onions you require. I like mine mid to dark brown!

I love these caramelised onions on toast or in risottos: what will you do with yours?

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